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‘This is not my reality.

To be able to wake up and pick a lemon from this tree.

This a goal, a wish, a dream fulfilled fleetingly, caught on film by someone I barely know.

But someone who respected felt and understood my reasons.

So, I am grateful.

I am grateful for the person who let us use his property. He has such a passion for his relationship with the land, which inspires me.

And, to be reminded to not take the fruits of his labour and all people who work the land to produce food for granted.

It is a relationship I want more than any other, I think, but I am hesitant to take those steps that will lead me away from so many ‘habits’ we city folk cling to

The day this image was taken, I hope it represents one step along the path to my fruitful future.

This picture was taken on a chilly day in the hinterland outside Melbourne, where Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos visit to enjoy the fruits of our host’s labour. Many pictures were taken, many sensory experiences felt, as I was naked. There were no barriers between the elements, the varied weather we experienced, or the textures I felt. I interacted with so many scenes on this property and I was grateful.

Andy   26.08.2015