
It was purely by chance that I happened upon an article on the internet about Anastasia and her work. It concluded with her contact details for those who might be interested in volunteering for her project, Naked Australia. Without hesitation I emailed her. She called me only a few hours later. We spoke like old friends who were reconnecting after many years. I felt at ease right away, and for the first time in such a long time, it felt like someone finally got me. It was so refreshing to talk to someone who has similar thoughts, views and beliefs. It rarely happens that I meet someone who is similar to me in their way of thinking.
I feel like an outlier. I struggle to ‘fit in’ and conform to societal rules and expectations. I question our way of life in this capitalist society. I believe we all wear masks out in public in order to ‘fit in’. We rarely ever reveal our true selves. Doing this photo shoot with Anastasia helped me to unlock those shackles… shedding all the nonsense and revealing my true self. I felt awakened and free to be me. Being naked meant being void of a social class. Being naked meant being vulnerable and being my authentic self. No rules and no expectations – it was so liberating. Jumping on the trampoline represented the child within – having a child-like wonder, being present and completely enjoying the moment. Being naked, jumping on a trampoline and smiling from ear to ear – such simple things – gave me such pleasure and joy….
Raquel 21/01/2018